Friday, July 1, 2011

Geweld in Afghanistan met 51 procent gestegen

VN-secretaris-generaal Ban Ki-moon heeft woensdag gemeld dat het geweld in de periode maart-juni dit jaar in Afghanistan met 51 procent is gestegen vergeleken met dezelfde periode in 2010.

Volgens cijfers van de VN vielen de afgelopen 3 maanden 1.090 doden en 1.860 gewonden onder de burgerbevolking. Dat is 20% meer dan in dezelfde periode in 2010.

In heel 2010 vonden 2.777 Afghaanse burgers door geweld de dood.

2010 was al het meest gewelddadige jaar sinds het bewind van de Taliban eind 2001 werd afgezet.

Ban Ki-moon rapporteert elke drie maanden aan de VN-Veiligheidsraad over de situatie in Afghanistan.

Uit het verslag:

2. The report provides an update on the activities of the United Nations in
Afghanistan since my previous report dated 9 March 2011 (A/65/783-S/2011/120),
as well as a summary of key political and security developments, regional and
international events related to Afghanistan, and significant humanitarian,
development and human rights efforts of the United Nations in Afghanistan.

II. Political and security developments

A. Security situation

3. During the reporting period, the number of security incidents was 51 per cent higher than in the same period in 2010. The majority of incidents involved armed clashes and improvised explosive devices. Suicide attacks have increased significantly since March 2011, with 17 suicide attacks in April, including five complex attacks, a higher number than any month in 2010. Abductions and assassinations of Afghan citizens also rose during the reporting period.

The city of Kandahar and its surroundings registered the majority of the incidents during the reporting period, with a quarter of the overall attacks and more than half of all assassinations recorded countrywide.

Zie verder:
Het rapport van Ban Ki-moon: The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security