Sunday, August 17, 2008

ISAF sluit onderzoek naar dood kinderen in Kharwar af

De ISAF zegt in een verklaring die zondag werd uitgegeven dat het niet met 100 procent zekerheid is te zeggen of er burgers zijn gedood bij een luchtaanval in het district Kharwar in de provincie Logar.

De verklaring van de ISAF die is uitgegeven in Kabul

ISAF concludes investigation on alleged civilian casualties

KABUL, Afghanistan - After undertaking a thorough review of known facts ISAF has now closed the investigation on alleged civilian casualties in the Kharwar district of Lowgar Province on August 14.

ISAF cannot with 100% assurance conclude whether civilians have or have not been inadvertently killed as a result of an airstrike but equally has not uncovered any evidence whatsoever to indicate that it did as claimed in media reports at the time.

Based on the known facts as well as recent investigations undertaken on the ground, ISAF did verifiably destroy a vehicle that had been filled with explosives to be used as Suicide Vehicle Born Improvised Explosive Device (SVBIED) in the vicinity of the reported location.

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“NAVO brengt drie kinderen om het leven bij luchtaanval in Logar”